Simple-Utility v2.3.1
No Matches
Here is a list of all modules:
[detail level 123]
 conceptsContains concepts for different purposes
 access operators
 arithmetic operatorsContains concepts which determines whether a type is usable in operator +, +=, -, -=, *, *=, /, /=, %, %= and unary - expressions
 logical arithmetic operatorsContains concepts which determines whether a type is usable in operator &, &=, |, |=, ^, ^= and ~ expressions
 shift operatorsContains concepts which determines whether a type is usable in operator <<, <<=, >> and >>= expressions
 stl extensionsContains several concept extensions for existing stl concepts and traits
 functionalThis namespace contains helper types for complex functional chaining and concrete functional objects
 arithmeticContains functional objects, implementing several arithmetically operations
 closure_templateTrait type, exposing the closure template
 compareContains various comparision predicates
 invoke policyContains several CRTP types, decorating the behavior of functional types
 predicateContains the Predicate closure template
 transformContains the Transform closure template
 tupleContains several tuple related Transform definitions and the Apply closure template
 unwrap_functionalTrait, unwrapping the functional type if a closure type is given, otherwise the given type
 utilityContains functional objects, implementing several utility operations
 nullablesThis library offers some simple algorithms for convenient working with nullable types
 algorithmsContains nullable algorithm related symbols
 customization pointsContains several customization points, which users may hook for their custom types
 traitsThese traits are used by the algorithms and my be specialized by users for their custom types
 cartesian product
 envelop elements
 stl extension
 appendAdds all of given types at the end of the source type-list
 backDefines the type member-alias containing the last element of the given type-list
 cartesian productGiven multiple source type-lists this algorithm yields a new type-list combining each element of each list with each other
 common_containerTrait determining whether some type-lists have the container type in common
 concatAppends at the end of the first type-list all elements of the other type-lists
 containsQueries the source type-list whether it contains a specific type
 countDetermines how often the query type appears in the source type-list
 differenceDetermines which elements of the first type-list are not contained in the second type-list and yields these as the result. The order doesn't matter
 equalDetermines whether the source type-lists contain the same elements in the same order
 filterApplies the given filter trait an each element and omits it from the resulting type-list if the filter yields false
 frontDefines the type member-alias containing the first element of the given type-list
 index_ofQueries the given type-list for a specific type
 intersectionDetermines the intersection between the elements of two type-lists. The order doesn't matter
 pop backRemoves the last element of the given type-list
 pop frontRemoves the first element of the given type-list
 populated_fromApplies the source type-list-elements as template arguments of the TargetContainer
 prependAdds all of given types at the begin of the source type-list
 removeRemoves all appearances of the given type from the source type-list
 remove_atRemoves the element at the given index
 reverseReverses the order of all elements
 symmetric_differenceDetermines which elements are in either of the source type-lists, but not in both. The order doesn't matter
 tailSkips the first element of the given type-list and defines a type member-alias containing the rest of the elements
 transformApplies the given unary operation on each element of the source type-list and stores them into a new type-list
 uniqueRemoves all element duplicates contained by the source type-list
 unordered_equalDetermines whether the source type-lists contain the same elements
 zipGiven multiple type-lists this algorithm yields a new type-list consisting of the n type-lists (where n is the minimal size of the source type-lists)
 zip_nth_elementGiven multiple type-lists and an index n (where each type-lists has at least the length n + 1) this algorithm yields a new type-list consisting of the n-th elements of all source type-lists
 add_type_constThis trait adds the const qualification to the actual type, instead of the top-level reference or pointer category
 add_type_cvThis trait adds the const and volatile qualifications to the actual type, instead of the top-level reference or pointer category
 add_type_volatileThis trait adds the volatile qualification to the actual type, instead of the top-level reference or pointer category
 cv_qualified_typeThis trait decays every reference or pointer category and yields the (possibly cv-qualified) underlying type
 qualified_category_asThis trait either applies any qualification and value-category from the source type on the target type
 remove_type_constThis trait removes the const qualification of the actual type, instead of the top-level reference or pointer category
 remove_type_cvThis trait removes the const and volatile qualifications from the actual type, instead of the top-level reference or pointer category
 remove_type_volatileThis trait removes the volatile qualification of the actual type, instead of the top-level reference or pointer category
 type_constness_asThis trait either applies the const qualification on the actual type of To, or removes it
 type_qualification_asThis trait either applies the const and/or volatile qualifications on the actual type of To, or removes it
 type_volatileness_asThis trait either applies the volatile qualification on the actual type of To, or removes it
 value_category_asThis trait modifies the value category (value, lvalue-reference, rvalue-reference) of the target type appropriately to the source type
 unique_handleA helper type, which acts as a nullable resource handle with self-cleanup support