Simple-Vector v1.3.0
sl::vec::Vector< T, VDimensions > Class Template Reference

A mathematically vector implementation. More...

#include <Vector.hpp>

Public Types

using value_type = std::remove_cvref_t< T >
 Alias for T, but without modifiers. More...
using storage_type = std::array< value_type, dimensions >
 Used storage type. More...

Public Member Functions

constexpr Vector () noexcept=default
 Default constructor. More...
constexpr ~Vector () noexcept=default
 Default destructor. More...
constexpr Vector (const Vector &) noexcept=default
 Default copy-constructor. More...
constexpr Vector (Vector &&) noexcept=default
 Default move-constructor. More...
template<class... TArgs>
requires std::convertible_to<std::invoke_result_t<TGenerator&>, value_type>
VDimensions<=1) constexpr Vector(TArgs &&...args) noexcept :m_Values{ static_cast< T >(args)... } { } template< std::convertible_to< value_type > T2, auto VOtherDimensions > requires(!std::same_as< T2, value_type >||dimensions !=VOtherDimensions) constexpr explicit Vector(const Vector< T2, VOtherDimensions > &other) { transform_unseq(std::ranges::take_view{ other, std::min(dimensions, VOtherDimensions) }, std::ranges::begin(m_Values), fn::cast_invoke_result< value_type >(std::identity{}));} template< std::invocable TGenerator > constexpr Vector (TGenerator generator)
 Aggregate initialization like constructor. More...
constexpr Vectoroperator= (const Vector &) noexcept=default
 Default copy-assign-operator. More...
constexpr Vectoroperator= (Vector &&) noexcept=default
 Default move-assign-operator. More...
constexpr bool operator== (const Vector &) const noexcept=default
 Default equality comparison operator. More...
constexpr const value_typeoperator[] (std::integral auto index) const noexcept
 Accesses a specific element. More...
template<std::integral TIndex>
constexpr value_typeoperator[] (std::integral auto index) noexcept
 Accesses a specific element. More...
constexpr const value_typex () const noexcept
 Accesses the first element. More...
constexpr value_typex () noexcept
 Accesses the first element. More...
constexpr const value_typey () const noexcept
 Accesses the second element. More...
constexpr value_typey () noexcept
 Accesses the second element. More...
constexpr const value_typez () const noexcept
 Accesses the third element. More...
constexpr value_typez () noexcept
 Accesses the third element. More...
template<std::convertible_to< value_type > T2>
constexpr Vectoroperator+= (const Vector< T2, dimensions > &other)
 Adds other Vector element-wise. More...
template<std::convertible_to< value_type > T2>
constexpr Vectoroperator-= (const Vector< T2, dimensions > &other)
 Subtracts other Vector element-wise. More...
template<std::convertible_to< value_type > T2>
constexpr Vectoroperator+= (const T2 &value)
 Adds value to each element. More...
template<std::convertible_to< value_type > T2>
constexpr Vectoroperator-= (const T2 &value)
 Subtracts value from each element. More...
template<std::convertible_to< value_type > T2>
constexpr Vectoroperator*= (const T2 &value)
 Multiplies each element. More...
template<std::convertible_to< value_type > T2>
constexpr Vectoroperator/= (const T2 &value)
 Divides each element. More...
template<std::convertible_to< value_type > T2>
requires modable<T>
constexpr Vectoroperator%= (const T2 &rawValue)
 Applies modulo on each element. More...
constexpr auto begin () noexcept
 Returns an iterator to the first element. More...
constexpr auto begin () const noexcept
 Returns an const iterator to the first element. More...
constexpr auto cbegin () const noexcept
 Returns an const iterator to the first element. More...
constexpr auto end () noexcept
 Returns an iterator to the end (i.e. the element after the last element). More...
constexpr auto end () const noexcept
 Returns an const iterator to the end (i.e. the element after the last element). More...
constexpr auto cend () const noexcept
 Returns an const iterator to the end (i.e. the element after the last element). More...
constexpr auto rbegin () noexcept
 Returns an iterator to the reverse-beginning. More...
constexpr auto rbegin () const noexcept
 Returns an const iterator to the reverse-beginning. More...
constexpr auto crbegin () const noexcept
 Returns an const iterator to the reverse-beginning. More...
constexpr auto rend () noexcept
 Returns an iterator to the reverse-end of the given range (i.e. the element before the first element). More...
constexpr auto rend () const noexcept
 Returns an const iterator to the reverse-end of the given range (i.e. the element before the first element). More...
constexpr auto crend () const noexcept
 Returns an const iterator to the reverse-end of the given range (i.e. the element before the first element). More...

Static Public Attributes

static constexpr std::size_t dimensions { VDimensions }
 Dimension amount as constant. More...

Detailed Description

template<value_type T, std::size_t VDimensions>
requires (0 < VDimensions)
class sl::vec::Vector< T, VDimensions >

A mathematically vector implementation.

Template Parameters
TThe value type
VDimensionsAmount of dimensions. Must be implicitly convertible to std::size_t.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ storage_type

template<value_type T, std::size_t VDimensions>
using sl::vec::Vector< T, VDimensions >::storage_type = std::array<value_type, dimensions>

Used storage type.

◆ value_type

template<value_type T, std::size_t VDimensions>
using sl::vec::Vector< T, VDimensions >::value_type = std::remove_cvref_t<T>

Alias for T, but without modifiers.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Vector() [1/4]

template<value_type T, std::size_t VDimensions>
constexpr sl::vec::Vector< T, VDimensions >::Vector ( )

Default constructor.

Default initializes all elements via uniform initialization, thus all arithmetic types will defaulted to 0.

◆ ~Vector()

template<value_type T, std::size_t VDimensions>
constexpr sl::vec::Vector< T, VDimensions >::~Vector ( )

Default destructor.

◆ Vector() [2/4]

template<value_type T, std::size_t VDimensions>
constexpr sl::vec::Vector< T, VDimensions >::Vector ( const Vector< T, VDimensions > &  )

Default copy-constructor.

◆ Vector() [3/4]

template<value_type T, std::size_t VDimensions>
constexpr sl::vec::Vector< T, VDimensions >::Vector ( Vector< T, VDimensions > &&  )

Default move-constructor.

◆ Vector() [4/4]

template<value_type T, std::size_t VDimensions>
template<class... TArgs>
requires std::convertible_to<std::invoke_result_t<TGenerator&>, value_type>
VDimensions<=1) constexpr Vector(TArgs &&...args) noexcept :m_Values{ static_cast< T >(args)... } { } template< std::convertible_to< value_type > T2, auto VOtherDimensions > requires(!std::same_as< T2, value_type >||dimensions !=VOtherDimensions) constexpr explicit Vector(const Vector< T2, VOtherDimensions > &other) { transform_unseq( std::ranges::take_view{ other, std::min(dimensions, VOtherDimensions) }, std::ranges::begin(m_Values), fn::cast_invoke_result< value_type >(std::identity{})); } template< std::invocable TGenerator > constexpr sl::vec::Vector< T, VDimensions >::Vector ( TGenerator  generator)

Aggregate initialization like constructor.

Template Parameters
TArgsVariadic types used for initialization.
argsArguments from which the storage will be initialized.

This constructor directly initializes the internal storage with the given arguments. The amount of args must be equal to the amount of dimensions.

Member Function Documentation

◆ begin() [1/2]

template<value_type T, std::size_t VDimensions>
constexpr auto sl::vec::Vector< T, VDimensions >::begin ( ) const

Returns an const iterator to the first element.

An const iterator to the first element.

◆ begin() [2/2]

template<value_type T, std::size_t VDimensions>
constexpr auto sl::vec::Vector< T, VDimensions >::begin ( )

Returns an iterator to the first element.

An iterator to the first element.

◆ cbegin()

template<value_type T, std::size_t VDimensions>
constexpr auto sl::vec::Vector< T, VDimensions >::cbegin ( ) const

Returns an const iterator to the first element.

An const iterator to the first element.

◆ cend()

template<value_type T, std::size_t VDimensions>
constexpr auto sl::vec::Vector< T, VDimensions >::cend ( ) const

Returns an const iterator to the end (i.e. the element after the last element).

An const iterator to the end of the element range. Note that the end of a range is defined as the element following the last valid element.

◆ crbegin()

template<value_type T, std::size_t VDimensions>
constexpr auto sl::vec::Vector< T, VDimensions >::crbegin ( ) const

Returns an const iterator to the reverse-beginning.

An const iterator to the reverse-beginning.

◆ crend()

template<value_type T, std::size_t VDimensions>
constexpr auto sl::vec::Vector< T, VDimensions >::crend ( ) const

Returns an const iterator to the reverse-end of the given range (i.e. the element before the first element).

An const iterator to the reverse-end of the given range. Note that the reverse-end of a range is defined as the element previous to the first valid element.

◆ end() [1/2]

template<value_type T, std::size_t VDimensions>
constexpr auto sl::vec::Vector< T, VDimensions >::end ( ) const

Returns an const iterator to the end (i.e. the element after the last element).

An iterator to the end of the element range. Note that the end of a range is defined as the element following the last valid element.

◆ end() [2/2]

template<value_type T, std::size_t VDimensions>
constexpr auto sl::vec::Vector< T, VDimensions >::end ( )

Returns an iterator to the end (i.e. the element after the last element).

An iterator to the end of the element range. Note that the end of a range is defined as the element following the last valid element.

◆ operator%=()

template<value_type T, std::size_t VDimensions>
template<std::convertible_to< value_type > T2>
requires modable<T>
constexpr Vector & sl::vec::Vector< T, VDimensions >::operator%= ( const T2 &  rawValue)

Applies modulo on each element.

Template Parameters
T2Must be convertible to value_type
rawValueValue which will be modulo applied
reference to this
Division by 0 is undefined.

◆ operator*=()

template<value_type T, std::size_t VDimensions>
template<std::convertible_to< value_type > T2>
constexpr Vector & sl::vec::Vector< T, VDimensions >::operator*= ( const T2 &  value)

Multiplies each element.

Template Parameters
T2Must be convertible to value_type
valueValue each element will be multiplied by
reference to this

◆ operator+=() [1/2]

template<value_type T, std::size_t VDimensions>
template<std::convertible_to< value_type > T2>
constexpr Vector & sl::vec::Vector< T, VDimensions >::operator+= ( const T2 &  value)

Adds value to each element.

Template Parameters
T2Must be convertible to value_type
valueValue to be added
reference to this

◆ operator+=() [2/2]

template<value_type T, std::size_t VDimensions>
template<std::convertible_to< value_type > T2>
constexpr Vector & sl::vec::Vector< T, VDimensions >::operator+= ( const Vector< T2, dimensions > &  other)

Adds other Vector element-wise.

Template Parameters
T2T of other Vector
otherother Vector
reference to this

◆ operator-=() [1/2]

template<value_type T, std::size_t VDimensions>
template<std::convertible_to< value_type > T2>
constexpr Vector & sl::vec::Vector< T, VDimensions >::operator-= ( const T2 &  value)

Subtracts value from each element.

Template Parameters
T2Must be convertible to value_type
valueValue to be subtracted
reference to this

◆ operator-=() [2/2]

template<value_type T, std::size_t VDimensions>
template<std::convertible_to< value_type > T2>
constexpr Vector & sl::vec::Vector< T, VDimensions >::operator-= ( const Vector< T2, dimensions > &  other)

Subtracts other Vector element-wise.

Template Parameters
T2T of other Vector
otherother Vector
reference to this

◆ operator/=()

template<value_type T, std::size_t VDimensions>
template<std::convertible_to< value_type > T2>
constexpr Vector & sl::vec::Vector< T, VDimensions >::operator/= ( const T2 &  value)

Divides each element.

Template Parameters
T2Must be convertible to value_type
valueValue each element will be divided by
reference to this
Division by 0 is undefined.

◆ operator=() [1/2]

template<value_type T, std::size_t VDimensions>
constexpr Vector & sl::vec::Vector< T, VDimensions >::operator= ( const Vector< T, VDimensions > &  )

Default copy-assign-operator.

reference to this

◆ operator=() [2/2]

template<value_type T, std::size_t VDimensions>
constexpr Vector & sl::vec::Vector< T, VDimensions >::operator= ( Vector< T, VDimensions > &&  )

Default move-assign-operator.

reference to this

◆ operator==()

template<value_type T, std::size_t VDimensions>
constexpr bool sl::vec::Vector< T, VDimensions >::operator== ( const Vector< T, VDimensions > &  ) const

Default equality comparison operator.

true if both Vectors are treated as equal.

This does automatically enable the operator !=.

◆ operator[]() [1/2]

template<value_type T, std::size_t VDimensions>
constexpr const value_type & sl::vec::Vector< T, VDimensions >::operator[] ( std::integral auto  index) const

Accesses a specific element.

indexIndex of the element.
const reference to the element
Using index less than zero or greater-equal than dimensions, is undefined.

◆ operator[]() [2/2]

template<value_type T, std::size_t VDimensions>
template<std::integral TIndex>
constexpr value_type & sl::vec::Vector< T, VDimensions >::operator[] ( std::integral auto  index)

Accesses a specific element.

indexIndex of the element.
const reference to the element
Using index less than zero or greater-equal than dimensions, is undefined.

◆ rbegin() [1/2]

template<value_type T, std::size_t VDimensions>
constexpr auto sl::vec::Vector< T, VDimensions >::rbegin ( ) const

Returns an const iterator to the reverse-beginning.

An const iterator to the reverse-beginning.

◆ rbegin() [2/2]

template<value_type T, std::size_t VDimensions>
constexpr auto sl::vec::Vector< T, VDimensions >::rbegin ( )

Returns an iterator to the reverse-beginning.

An iterator to the reverse-beginning.

◆ rend() [1/2]

template<value_type T, std::size_t VDimensions>
constexpr auto sl::vec::Vector< T, VDimensions >::rend ( ) const

Returns an const iterator to the reverse-end of the given range (i.e. the element before the first element).

An const iterator to the reverse-end of the given range. Note that the reverse-end of a range is defined as the element previous to the first valid element.

◆ rend() [2/2]

template<value_type T, std::size_t VDimensions>
constexpr auto sl::vec::Vector< T, VDimensions >::rend ( )

Returns an iterator to the reverse-end of the given range (i.e. the element before the first element).

An iterator to the reverse-end of the given range. Note that the reverse-end of a range is defined as the element previous to the first valid element.

◆ x() [1/2]

template<value_type T, std::size_t VDimensions>
constexpr const value_type & sl::vec::Vector< T, VDimensions >::x ( ) const

Accesses the first element.

const reference to the first element

◆ x() [2/2]

template<value_type T, std::size_t VDimensions>
constexpr value_type & sl::vec::Vector< T, VDimensions >::x ( )

Accesses the first element.

reference to the first element

◆ y() [1/2]

template<value_type T, std::size_t VDimensions>
constexpr const value_type & sl::vec::Vector< T, VDimensions >::y ( ) const

Accesses the second element.

const reference to the second element
This functions is only available, if Vector has 2 or more dimension.

◆ y() [2/2]

template<value_type T, std::size_t VDimensions>
constexpr value_type & sl::vec::Vector< T, VDimensions >::y ( )

Accesses the second element.

reference to the second element
This functions is only available, if Vector has 2 or more dimension.

◆ z() [1/2]

template<value_type T, std::size_t VDimensions>
constexpr const value_type & sl::vec::Vector< T, VDimensions >::z ( ) const

Accesses the third element.

const reference to the third element
This functions is only available, if Vector has 3 or more dimension.

◆ z() [2/2]

template<value_type T, std::size_t VDimensions>
constexpr value_type & sl::vec::Vector< T, VDimensions >::z ( )

Accesses the third element.

reference to the third element
This functions is only available, if Vector has 3 or more dimension.

Member Data Documentation

◆ dimensions

template<value_type T, std::size_t VDimensions>
constexpr std::size_t sl::vec::Vector< T, VDimensions >::dimensions { VDimensions }

Dimension amount as constant.

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