mimic++ v6
No Matches
Here is a list of all topics with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 expectationContains everything related to managing expectations
 finalizerFinalizers are the last step of a matching expectation
 requirementRequirements determine, whether an expectation matches an incoming call
 sequenceSequences enable deterministic ordering between multiple expectations
 side effectsSide effects are a convenient way to apply actions on matched expectations
 timesTimes indicates, how often an expectation must be matched
 framework configurationContains documentation for the possible configuration options
 matchersMatchers check various argument properties
 range matchersRange specific matchers
 string matchersString specific matchers
 mockThe core aspect of the library
 call-conventionsContains helper macros, which lets users register any desired call-convention
 detailContains several macros, used for call-convention internals
 interfacesContains utility to simplify interface mocking
 detailContains several macros, used for interface mock implementation
 for_eachThis is an implementation of a for-loop for the preprocessor
 forward_argsCreates comma-separated forwarding std::tuples for each given argument (not enclosed by parentheses)
 make_method_overridesCreates all required override overloads
 make_overload_infosRelated functions for MIMICPP_ADD_OVERLOAD
 make_param_listConverts all given arguments to a parameter-list
 make_signature_listConverts all given arguments to a signature
 strip_parensRemoves an enclosing pair of (), if present
 object-watchingContains utility for explicit tracking of special object functionalities
 reportingContains reporting related symbols
 reportsContains reports of mimic++ types
 test framework adaptersReporter integrations for various third-party frameworks
 stacktraceContains stacktrace related functionalities
 stringContains symbols for generic string processing
 is_characterType-trait, which determines, whether the given type is a character-type
 string_case_fold_converterType-trait, which provides the case-folding algorithm for the char-type, they are specialized for
 string_literal_prefixYields the printable prefix for any char-type
 string_traitsType-trait, which contains properties for the provided string type
 stringificationStringification describes the process of converting an object state into its textual representation
 type-traitsContains various type-traits
 call_convention_traitsUsed for selecting the correct behaviour depending on the call-convention
 is_characterType-trait, which determines, whether the given type is a character-type
 is_overload_setDetermines, whether a list of signatures form a valid overloads-set
 is_overloadable_withDetermines, whether two signatures are valid overloads
 signature_add_noexceptAdds the noexcept specification to a signature
 signature_call_conventionDetermines the call-convention-tag of the given signature
 signature_const_qualificationDetermines the const-qualification of the given signature
 signature_decayRemoves all specifications from the given signature
 signature_is_noexceptDetermines whether the given signature has a noexcept specification
 signature_param_listExtracts all param types from a given signature (packed into a mimicpp::type_list)
 signature_param_typeExtracts the ith param type from a given signature
 signature_ref_qualificationDetermines the ref-qualification of the given signature
 signature_remove_call_conventionRemoves the call-convention from a signature (if present)
 signature_remove_constqualifierRemoves the const-qualifier of a signature (if present)
 signature_remove_noexceptRemoves the noexcept specification from a signature (if present)
 signature_remove_ref_qualifierRemoves the ref-qualifier of a signature (if present)
 signature_return_typeExtracts the return type from a given signature
 string_literal_prefixYields the printable prefix for any char-type
 string_traitsType-trait, which contains properties for the provided string type
 uint_with_sizeProvides the member alias type with the expected uint-type