▼expectation | Contains everything related to managing expectations |
finalizer | Finalizers are the last step of a matching expectation |
requirement | Requirements determine, whether an expectation matches an incoming call |
sequence | Sequences enable deterministic ordering between multiple expectations |
side effects | Side effects are a convenient way to apply actions on matched expectations |
times | Times indicates, how often an expectation must be matched |
framework configuration | Contains documentation for the possible configuration options |
▼matchers | Matchers check various argument properties |
range matchers | Range specific matchers |
string matchers | String specific matchers |
▼mock | The core aspect of the library |
▼call-conventions | Contains helper macros, which lets users register any desired call-convention |
detail | Contains several macros, used for call-convention internals |
▼interfaces | Contains utility to simplify interface mocking |
▼detail | Contains several macros, used for interface mock implementation |
for_each | This is an implementation of a for-loop for the preprocessor |
forward_args | Creates comma-separated forwarding std::tuple s for each given argument (not enclosed by parentheses) |
make_method_overrides | Creates all required override overloads |
make_overload_infos | Related functions for MIMICPP_ADD_OVERLOAD |
make_param_list | Converts all given arguments to a parameter-list |
make_signature_list | Converts all given arguments to a signature |
strip_parens | Removes an enclosing pair of (), if present |
object-watching | Contains utility for explicit tracking of special object functionalities |
▼reporting | Contains reporting related symbols |
reports | Contains reports of mimic++ types |
test framework adapters | Reporter integrations for various third-party frameworks |
stacktrace | Contains stacktrace related functionalities |
▼string | Contains symbols for generic string processing |
is_character | Type-trait, which determines, whether the given type is a character-type |
string_case_fold_converter | Type-trait, which provides the case-folding algorithm for the char-type, they are specialized for |
string_literal_prefix | Yields the printable prefix for any char-type |
string_traits | Type-trait, which contains properties for the provided string type |
stringification | Stringification describes the process of converting an object state into its textual representation |
▼type-traits | Contains various type-traits |
call_convention_traits | Used for selecting the correct behaviour depending on the call-convention |
is_character | Type-trait, which determines, whether the given type is a character-type |
is_overload_set | Determines, whether a list of signatures form a valid overloads-set |
is_overloadable_with | Determines, whether two signatures are valid overloads |
signature_add_noexcept | Adds the noexcept specification to a signature |
signature_call_convention | Determines the call-convention-tag of the given signature |
signature_const_qualification | Determines the const-qualification of the given signature |
signature_decay | Removes all specifications from the given signature |
signature_is_noexcept | Determines whether the given signature has a noexcept specification |
signature_param_list | Extracts all param types from a given signature (packed into a mimicpp::type_list ) |
signature_param_type | Extracts the i th param type from a given signature |
signature_ref_qualification | Determines the ref-qualification of the given signature |
signature_remove_call_convention | Removes the call-convention from a signature (if present) |
signature_remove_constqualifier | Removes the const-qualifier of a signature (if present) |
signature_remove_noexcept | Removes the noexcept specification from a signature (if present) |
signature_remove_ref_qualifier | Removes the ref-qualifier of a signature (if present) |
signature_return_type | Extracts the return type from a given signature |
string_literal_prefix | Yields the printable prefix for any char-type |
string_traits | Type-trait, which contains properties for the provided string type |
uint_with_size | Provides the member alias type with the expected uint-type |