Simple-Vector v1.3.0
Vector.hpp File Reference
#include "Algorithm.hpp"
#include "Concepts.hpp"
#include "Functional.hpp"
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <cassert>
#include <cmath>
#include <concepts>
#include <execution>
#include <ranges>

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class  sl::vec::Vector< T, VDimensions >
 A mathematically vector implementation. More...
struct  sl::vec::vector_traits< Vector< T, VDimensions > >
 Specialization for Vector. More...
struct  sl::vec::is_vectorial< Vector< T, VDimensions > >
 Specialization for Vector which registers Vector with all its template variations as vectorial. More...


namespace  sl
namespace  sl::vec


template<class... T>
 sl::vec::Vector (T &&...) -> Vector< std::common_type_t< T... >, sizeof...(T)>
 Vector deduction guide to make aggregate-like construction easier. More...
template<vectorial TVector, add_assignable< TVector > T2>
constexpr TVector sl::vec::operator+ (TVector lhs, T2 &&rhs)
 Sum operator. More...
template<vectorial TVector, sub_assignable< TVector > T2>
constexpr TVector sl::vec::operator- (TVector lhs, T2 &&rhs)
 Minus operator. More...
template<vectorial TVector, mul_assignable< TVector > T2>
constexpr TVector sl::vec::operator* (TVector lhs, T2 &&rhs)
 Multiplication operator. More...
template<vectorial TVector, mul_assignable< TVector > T2>
constexpr TVector sl::vec::operator* (T2 &&lhs, TVector rhs)
 Commutative multiplication operator. More...
template<vectorial TVector, div_assignable< TVector > T2>
constexpr TVector sl::vec::operator/ (TVector lhs, T2 &&rhs)
 Division operator. More...
template<vectorial TVector, mod_assignable< TVector > T2>
constexpr TVector sl::vec::operator% (TVector lhs, T2 &&rhs)
 Modulo operator. More...
template<vectorial TVector1, vectorial TVector2>
requires mulable<vector_value_t<TVector2>, vector_value_t<TVector1>>
constexpr vector_value_t< TVector1 > sl::vec::dot_product (const TVector1 &lhs, const TVector2 &rhs)
 Calculates the dot product of to Vectors. More...
template<vectorial TVector>
constexpr vector_value_t< TVector > sl::vec::length_squared (const TVector &vector)
 Calculates the squared length of a Vector. More...
template<vectorial TVector>
constexpr auto sl::vec::length (const TVector &vector)
 Calculates the length of a Vector. More...
template<vectorial TVector>
requires std::floating_point<vector_value_t<TVector>>
constexpr TVector sl::vec::normalized (TVector vec)
 Calculates the normalization of a Vector. More...
template<vectorial TVector>
constexpr TVector sl::vec::projected (const TVector &vector, TVector target)
 Projects vector onto the target Vector. More...
template<vectorial TVector, class T >
requires std::is_arithmetic_v<T>
constexpr TVector sl::vec::lerp (TVector vector1, const TVector &vector2, T t)
 Computes the linear interpolation between both vectors for the parameter t (or extrapolation, when t is outside the range [0,1]). More...
template<vectorial TVector>
requires std::floating_point<vector_value_t<TVector>>
constexpr TVector sl::vec::inversed (TVector vector)
 Computes the inverse of the vector (1./v[0], 1./v[1], ...). More...